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PVC & aluminium window and door manufacturer

£10m to £25m
UK Wide
26 September 2024

Business description

UK-based window and door manufacturer with factories specialising in both PVC and aluminium.

Well established, market leader in their area, with a trading history exceeding 35 years.  The business has an excellent reputation, synonymous with high quality products and excellent customer service.

Having enacted a strategic business plan, the company ensures that no singular customer takes up more than 7% of turnover.

The company benefits from a strong 2nd tier management team, with the business operating day-to-day under the safe stewardship of the Managing Director and Operations Director.

With high quality equipment being paramount to the success of Project Frances, our client has continuously invested in up to date machinery as well as modern and comprehensive computer systems.


Turnover (£'000) Adjusted EBITDA (£'000)
2024 (Actual) 9,600,000 75,000
2025 (Forecast) 10,500 900
2026 (Forecast) 11,500 1,150

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