

the UK marketplace for company sales

Contact us

You should not usually need to contact us

This website is designed so that you can automatically obtain the contact details of the person responsible for every business for sale or business wanted opportunity without needing to contact us.

To display all the information we have on an opportunity please click on the opportunity heading. Detailed information will then be displayed.

Click the Get their contact details button (at the foot of each detailed description) and submit your contact details. You will immediately receive an automated email giving you the contact details of the person responsible for the listing. This is entirely free of charge.

All the information available to us for each opportunity is contained on this website. We do not have additional information that is not shown.

If you wish to be notified about new postings to this website, please subscribe to our email updates. You can choose to receive these updates daily, weekly or monthly and you can change this frequency at any time.

If you are an advisor and wish to find out how successful your listing has been in generating interest then go to the My account area of this website where you will find this information.

Frequently asked questions

I have read the above and still need to contact you