Construction business catering to high net worth clients across the South East of England.
This is an engineering and fabrication company specialising in the relocation, modification, maintenance and installation of plant, machinery and industrial equipment. The business has expanded into electrical/renewable power-based engineering. Established over 14 years ago, the company has earned a stellar reputation in the industry.
Designs and manufactures automated assembly equipment and automotive vehicle body assembly equipment, providing complete, customised, turnkey solutions.
An importer and distributor of ingredients and food products from Asia. It offers a diverse range of items, including fresh and preserved ginger,
poppadum pellets, prawn / vegan crackers and noodles. Some products are organic and Fairtrade, supporting a clear commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.
Provides a comprehensive and transparent peer-to-peer lending platform that has been developed in-house and serves the residential and
commercial property development sector.
Provides contract manufacturing and labelling services to the nutraceutical, dietary supplements and health food markets, offering a range of over 1,000 formulations alongside bespoke products.
Farm park attraction and play facility based in the North of England.
Tax consultancy practice offering a full range of taxation solutions including US/UK conflict resolution, tax planning, and compliance.
Progressive, virtual finance solutions business offering a variety of accountancy and financial advisory services to a diverse customer base with long standing relationships.
Using its proprietary data logging and visualisation software, the company provides medical equipment monitoring, logging, and data storage with tracking interface solutions for the hospital environment.
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