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AI safety systems for moving plant & machinery

£5m to £10m
Construction, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous, Service industries, Technology
UK Wide, Outside UK
23 January 2025

Business description

The award-winning company designs, manufactures, and supplies artificial intelligent collision avoidance and autonomous systems for moving plant and machinery, serving an international customer base.
The company’s cloud-based data portal generates detailed reports and the AI provides real-time detection alerts and video footage.
The company’s highly accurate AI has been developed for over a decade and continues to be trained for different scenarios and features through hundreds of millions of video clips.
Our clients are now offering a full or 50%+ share sale of the company to seek investment, which will facilitate rapid growth.


  • Has won 13 prestigious industry awards for innovation and enterprise.
  • Safety system has been mandated by a number of blue-chip construction companies across the UK. 
  • Strong second-tier management team in place, with the directors also intending to remain with the company, providing a turnkey investment opportunity. 
  • Has a number of projects in the pipeline that will provide additional revenue streams. 
  • Increasing the development team headcount would enable the company to complete these projects quicker and drive rapid growth. 
  • Vast potential for establishing further repeat revenue through the provision of SaaS. 
  • Ideal acquisition opportunity for a synergistic organisation with experience in SaaS to benefit from the company’s highly accurate software and AI and large international customer base. 
  • Operates from leasehold premises with space to accommodate further staff.


Turnover (£'000) Adjusted EBITDA (£'000)
2023 (Actual) 4,691 386
2024 (Actual) 8,907 482
2025 (Forecast) 20,100 4,984
2026 (Forecast) 35,000 10,564
  • Achieved a turnover of £8.9m in YE24, with an adjusted EBITDA of £480k. 
  • Forecast for YE25 of £20.1m, with an adjusted EBITDA of circa £5m. 
  • Projected turnover of £35m in YE26, with an adjusted EBITDA of £10.5m. 
  • Large growth is expected from agreements made with USA and Australian companies that have a foothold in the construction or material handling markets. 
  • International partner has placed an initial order for £1m, with ongoing orders expected following this. 
  • Achieves repeat revenue through data licenses, with agreements ranging from one-to-five years.

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