

the UK marketplace for company sales

Logistic solutions

£2m to £5m
Distribution, freight & logistics, Service industries
UK Wide, Outside UK
14 January 2025

Business description

The company offers a wide range of complete logistics solutions utilising a large, international fleet of owner-drivers and providing for all of its clients’ air, road, and sea freight requirements.

The company facilitates all types of collection and delivery, from small parcels to full artic truck loads, offering a fast-track, same-day transit and sprinter courier service.
Our clients are now offering the company for sale to facilitate their partial retirement plans, and enable them to pursue other, unrelated interests.
Offers invited.


  • Drivers contact the company regularly for work and it has built strong relationships with a range of drivers across the UK and Europe, enabling fast, efficient service provision. 
  • Has developed a large, loyal client base, all of which provide ongoing, repeat business. 
  • Good spread of clients, with its core client splitting work between many individual offices across the UK. 
  • Experienced, knowledgeable workforce in place that can undertake many day-to-day responsibilities independently. 
  • Operates from leasehold premises. 
  • Continuing to pursue geographical expansion by securing more owner-drivers and undertaking proactive marketing activities would continue to provide growth. 
  • Recruiting a full-time sales representative would significantly improve sales.


Turnover (£'000) Adjusted EBITDA (£'000)
2021 (Actual) 2,444 722
2022 (Actual) 1,829 227
2023 (Actual) 1,968 441
  • Turnover of circa £2m achieved in YE23, with an adjusted EBITDA of £440k. 
  • Has experienced a 24% increase in turnover between YE20 and YE23. 
  • Increase in adjusted EBITDA of 79% during the same time period.

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