

the UK marketplace for company sales

Manufacturer of industrial machine knives

£1m to £2m
Engineering, Manufacturing, Miscellaneous, Service industries
North East England, North West England
23 January 2025

Business description

The company is a manufacturer of industrial machine knives for the food packaging and pharmaceuticals industries, specialising in form fill and seal knives packaging knives, EZ open knives and tray knives.

Products are made from high-quality stainless steel and finished to an excellent standard, with the company utilising a wide range of in-house machinery.
Having developed a strong industry presence and earned recognition for the quality of its products, the company is now in an excellent position for future growth, with scope to expand into several essential industries.
The shareholders are offering the company for sale to facilitate their retirement.
Offers invited.


  • Supplies to 58 clients internationally, covering the food, packaging, plastics, paper and pharmaceuticals industries. 
  • All clients provide repeat business, with some relationships spanning 14 years. 
  • Call-off contracts with clients in place, many of which generate repeat business annually. 
  • Experienced second-tier management team in place to lead operations post-sale. 
  • Operates from leasehold premises.


Turnover (£'000) Adjusted EBITDA (£'000)
2021 (Actual) 1,331 327
2022 (Actual) 1,508 558
2023 (Actual) 1,200 546
  • YE23 turnover of £1.2m. 
  • Adjusted EBITDA of £546k achieved in the same year. 
  • Average gross profit margin of 52% over the last three years. 
  • Current order book, covering a nine-week period, is valued at £201k, with the company receiving an average of five enquiries each day from both new and existing clients.

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